Hockey Conditioning

The Ultimate Hockey Conditioning Solution!

Get better results in less than half the time with these unique hockey conditioning techniques!

Does your hockey conditioning program take these hockey characteristics into account?

•    Intensity of ice hockey
•    Metabolic/energy demands of the game
•    Additional weight of equipment
•    Stability of the work/rest ratios during a game
•    Movement patterns utilized during a game

Spend a minute to re-read through these and write down your thoughts for each consideration.

Ice hockey is a very high intensity sport, relying primarily on anaerobic energy sources.

  • Depending on your age, your hockey equipment will add anywhere from 10-20 lbs to your body.
  • Most hockey shifts last between 30-45 seconds, but frequently have stoppages in the middle.
  • All hockey players move linearly, laterally, diagonally, and transition between these directions constantly.
  • A hockey shift involves a series of acceleration, decelerations, and direction changes.
  • Depending on your position, the distance you skate on the ice and the intensity of your shift naturally varies.


A high intensity hockey conditioning exercise.

A high intensity hockey conditioning exercise.


Your conditioning program could be making you slower!

Most hockey conditioning programs involve having teams run laps around a building for a certain amount of time or for a certain number of laps.  Think about this. It doesn’t make any sense!

•    Instead of training fast, you’re training slow
•    Instead of using anaerobic energy sources, you’re using primarily aerobic
•    Instead of preparing your body to work with additional weight, you’re strictly using your body weight
•    Instead of matching the varying work/rest ratios you need to be prepared for during a hockey game, you’re moving at a constant pace
•    Instead of training your body to accelerate, decelerate, and transition through movements in multiple directions, you’re training in a straight line

Check out our Hockey Training Exercise Video Library, which has TONS of training videos of effective Hockey Conditioning Exercises!

When you take a step back and look at it, distance running seems like the perfect conditioning system to make you WORSE at hockey!

Aerobic exercise facilitating faster recovery between shifts is one of the biggest myths in hockey conditioning.

There is now substantial research showing that anaerobic exercise improves anaerobic capacity to a significantly greater degree than aerobic exercise (obviously), and improves aerobic capacity to a greater degree than aerobic exercise (not so obviously).

Does your interval training look like this?

  • High intensity interval training
  • Long-term progressions built in for increasing the external load on the body
  • Variation in work/rest ratios
  • Variation in movement complexity

You’re ready to become a strong, fast, dominant hockey player, now you need to take action!

Ultimate Hockey Training is the only comprehensive step-by-step training manual for hockey players and coaches endorsed by the world’s leading hockey training experts! Ultimate Hockey Training will show you:

  • How to maximize skating speed through simple technique improvements
  • How to combine linear and transitional speed training techniques to maximize on-ice transfer from off-ice training
  • Plyometric progressions to improve lower body power and skating speed
  • Full body power progressions to improve shooting velocity
  • Conditioning modalities and progressions to ensure you’re as strong and fast in the third period as you are in the first

Click here for more information >> Ultimate Hockey Training

Check out this video for a small sample of the information contained within Ultimate Hockey Training!

Get your copy today! >> Ultimate Hockey Training

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In fact, if you’re not completely happy for any reason at all, then I insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many hockey players take their game to the next level using the concepts in this book, I’m totally confident that you will achieve a whole new level of athletic excellence.

P.S. Don’t wait for another second! Learn the secrets to powerful off-ice training before your opponents do!

Get your copy today! >> Ultimate Hockey Training