Arm Circles
A basic exercise to start warming up and improving range of motion around the shoulders.
Arm Diagonal Scissors
A basic exercise to start warming up and improving range of motion around the shoulders. Thumbs in to thumbs out in a diagonal pattern.
Arm Scissors
A basic exercise to start warming up and improving range of motion around the shoulders. Thumbs in to thumbs out.
Backward Hurdle Walk
A dynamic warm-up exericse for hockey players to improve hip range of motion and strengthen the hip external rotators.
Backward Walk with Hamstring Stretch
A dynamic warm-up exercise for ice hockey players to help improve the extensibility of the hamstrings and work on single-leg stability at the same time.
Backward Walking Lunge
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to improve hip range of motion.
Butt Kickers
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing proper lower body mechanics and to improve the extensibility of the quadriceps while activating the hamstrings.
Carioca-Long Stride
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing long strides and opening up the hips.
Carioca-Quick Feet
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing quick feet.
Crossover Run
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing a strong pushes and increasing hip range of motion.
Crossover Skip
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing a high knee drive from the back leg.
Forward Hurdle Walk
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to improve hip range of motion and control.
High Knees
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to increase heart rate, circulation, neural drive to the legs, hip flexors, and core.
In-Line Split Squat
A great dynamic warm-up exercise to help improve hip range of motion in ice hockey players. Try to keep your knee in line with your feet when you drop your back leg down to the floor.
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players that emphasizes improving hamstring extensibility. I try to minimize lumbar flexion (lower back rounding) in my athletes, but I don’t think a little is too bad.
Inverted Reach Walk
A dynamic warm-up exercise to improve the extensibility of the hamstrings, activate the hamstrings and glutes, and improve balance and single-leg stability.
Lateral Lunge Walk
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to improve the extensibility of the “groin” muscles and increase neural drive to the lower body.
Lateral Squat Walk
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to improve the extensibility of the “groin” muscles and increase neural drive to the lower body.
Lunge Matrix
A dynamic warm-up exercises to improve range of motion around the hips, balance, and work through a lot of different movement patterns.
Quadruped Hip Circles
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing keeping the pelvis still and improving hip range of motion.
Reverse Crossover Lunge
A dynamic hip mobility exercise for hockey players to improve hip range of motion and warm-up the lower body for more explosive movements.
Reverse Diagonal Lunge
A dynamic hip mobility exercise for hockey players to improve hip range of motion and warm-up the lower body for more explosive movements.
Squat Outs
A lower body exercise to teach proper jump landing form. I’ll include this as part of a warm-up before jumping to reinforce a proper landing pattern.
Standing Dynamic Blackburns
One of my favorite dynamic shoulder exercises to improve range of motion and activate muscles to help stabilize the shoulder.
Straight-Legged March
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing hip flexor contraction and hamstring extensibility.
Walking Knee Hug
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players emphasizing glute extensibility. You can progress this by moving from a knee hug right into an inverted reach.
Walking Lunge
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to help improve the extensibility of the hip flexors and to activate the glutes.
Walking Lunge Cycle
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to help improve the extensibility of the hip flexors and to activate the glutes.
Walking Lunge w/ Elbow to Instep
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to improve ranfe of motion around their hips.
Walking Lunge w/ Elbow to Instep and Rotation
A dynamic warm-up exercise for hockey players to improve ranfe of motion around their hips and thoracic spine (upper back and chest).